- Evolutionary responses to multiple human-induced stresses; using the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria) as a model organism
Funded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (biological sciences and P.E. Lindahl Foundation) and a Visiting Fellowship from The Leverhulme Trust(2009-2012)
- Multivariate selection and human-induced environmental stress: adaptive genetic and plastic responses in the yellow dung fly (SUPAFLY)
Funded by a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (2009-2012)
- Estimating temporal variation in form and intensity of natural and sexual selection in yellow dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Funded by Nilsson-Ehle Foundation andLars Hierta Foundation (2012)
- Spatial and temporal population genetic structure of an insect population with a temporal refuge
Funded by Carl Trygger Foundation andAnna-Greta och Holger Crafoord Foundation (2011-2012)
- The importance of biotic and abiotic stress for spatial and temporal dynamics of an insect with a temporal refuge
Funded by Carl Trygger Foundation (2012-2013)